A historic RAF camp on the Aviation Fair


The main and the most popular content of the Aviation Fair is always the flying program.


That will be the case this year as well, as a five-hour flight program is prepared for the visitors of the 32annual Aviation Fair, which will take place on the weekend of June 1 and 2, 2024 in Pardubice. Of course, it will be quite lively throughout the day on the ground as well, where a galore of activities is prepared for visitors of all ages.

History buffs will surely enjoy the British RAF World War II field camp. "In our program, since the beginning in 1991, we have been trying to commemorate aviation history. In earlier years, the Aviation Fair was also visited by numerous Czech pilots who fought in the Second World War in the ranks of  British RAF. Sadly, time cannot be stopped and none of these heroes are among us today, we miss their aviation stories, but we do not forget their legacy. Fortunately, there are a number of enthusiasts who honor their memory in historic uniforms and bring history, uniforms and procedures to today's generation.


“We are happy these people are a regular part of the Aviation Fair, and this year will not be an exception," says Jan Rudzinskyj from the organizing staff of the Aviation Fair. "The main focus of the military history clubs ground display will be the historic RAF airfield camp. In our minds, we will be transported in time to England in the first half of the 1940s. But not only that, enthusiasts in period uniforms are always available to answer all kinds of questions and we know from experience that visitors like to take advantage of this.


Enthusiasts will also perform a contemporary pre-flight briefing. Seeing the pilots and their commanding officers with your own eyes during such an event is truly an extraordinary experience. Of course, the historic camp also includes airplanes, so in addition to uniforms, vehicles, weapons and equipment, visitors will also see several airplanes with so-called peacock eyes - slang name for the British markings. Statically displayed aircraft will be part of the historic camp. We will see how many will arrive, but we have already confirmed the North American AT6C Harvard Mk.2 and Boeing B 75N1 Kaydet biplane will arrive from the Pilsen Association of Classic Trainers," adds Jan Rudzinskyj. 


The Aviation Fair is a traditional all-day program for the whole family. On Saturday and Sunday, there is also a rich ground program with a number of performances and activities for children and adults. The flying  program itself will last over five hours. More information about upcoming news and the program can be obtained at www.aviatickapout.cz

Press Release Aviaticka Pout

Flying Revue > A historic RAF camp on the Aviation Fair



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