Welcome to the Flying Revue International website - a unique source of information for pilots planning their VFR flights around Europe.
Flying Revue history Czech Flying Revue magazine was first published in Prague, Czech Republic in 2008 as a source of interesting information for Aviation enthusiats. In December 2014 it was bought out by our group of enthusiastic Aviation professionals (our team). A website was added soon afterwards. Our prime focus is to provide reliable information and knowledge for VFR pilots who wish to fly internationally. Most of our products, services, publications, photos, videos etc. are of our own original production.
Flying Revue International Recognising the potential for developing General Aviation tourism within Europe and other parts of the world we decided to open an English language version of our international website. Here you can find basic information and links that can be helpful to pilots preparing their VFR flights to any European country. We use the website to also inform you about our products and services for the international Aviation community.
Flying Revue as a printed Magazine. At this time only in Czech language
Our English VFR Communication App is based on practical experience and situations that can be faced by any pilot on an international VFR flight. Any user of the Application needs to have reasonably good general English communication skills to be able to use the appropriate aviation phraseology. Each of the Application chapters offers the possibility to listen to sample recordings of communications in various VFR flight situations recorded by professionals and experienced pilots. Each pilot can also record, listen to and keep improving her/his own communication skills. This functionality is strengthened by animations showing various aircraft positions in the circuit and around the airport as well as providing examples of correct position reporting. Also, the student can listen to actual flight communication recorded during VFR flights over various countries of Europe, North America and Africa. These recordings are sorted according to individual phases of flight in order for you to be able to hear several alternatives by controllers of various nationalities.
All the study material is complemented by videos
and photographs of real life situations which will help the student
memorize and understand the theory much faster. Each chapter also
contains a knowledge test which allows evalution of the student´s
theoretical knowledge and ability to correctly understand the
messages broadcast by the controllers. The Application can assist
anyone wishing to acquire professional capability and VFR
communication skills even before her/his first international
flight. The application is currently available with explanations in
four languages - English, German, Czech and Russian.
Helpful, regularly updated information and useful links for VFR pilots wishing to visit various European countries.
The unique project of a videobank containing spheric videos of hundreds of airports in many countries has been introduced by Flying Revue in order to assist pilots with the preparation of their VFR flights. Whenever you fly to a new airport it is important to prepare yourself as best as you can. Runway length, surface, notams, traffic circuit, opening hours, fuel availability all that is important. However, the approach path, the vicinity of the airport, its runway system, its fuel pump location etc. is no less important.
To study the airport from all the various angles offered by the spherical (360) camara attached to our aircraft offers the most comprehensive, simple and quick way of learning and memorizing all the details of your destination airport.
The Flying Revue Videobank contains currently videos of airports in Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia and Slovakia. Airports and airfields in Switzerland, Poland and Germany will be added during 2021. On average, one video is added each and every day. You can sample several airports free of charge. If you like what you see feel free to get unrestricted access to all the videos in all the countries for 12 months at a miniprice of 20 EUR.
Our current stock includes many videos and photos from all European countries, southern Africa, Sahara, Australia, Caribbean islands, USA, Canada, Alaska, Russia etc. More flight expeditions are in the pipeline - we just anxiously wait for the pandemic to go away... All our expeditions are presented as they unfold live on our website and you can later on find them recorded in the Expeditions section.
Fly with us - write to us As we would like to provide our readers with information as helpful and as up to date as possible, we will appreciate any volunteers who will be willing to contribute their knowledge to this website. Please send us an e-mail with your comments or suggestions to . Thank you!
» Our Team:
Jiří Pruša – CEO Galileo Training/Flying Revue, businessman, pilot, traveller, publicist, author and promoter of aviation
Miloš Dermišek – Executive director Galileo Training/Flying Revue, pilot, flight instructor, a fan of classic airplanes, aircraft builder
Jindřich Ilem - video editor responsible for editing of all Flying Revue videos
Michal Beran - Editor-in-Chief of Flying Revue magazine, expert in aviation history
Jožo Skácal – aviation enthusiast, graphic designer responsible for the graphics of Flying Revue magazine, website and all the Flying Revue products